jeudi 18 mars 2010

Welcome on our site realized within the TPE (personal work frame) !

    This site has been realized by three students from Jean Baptiste Vuillaume secondary school within the TPE (personal work frame):
-DIDIER Romain
All our research were oriented around a problématic which make us work on home automation and artificial intelligence: 

How artificials intelligence can improve comfort, security and budget of humans daily ?

    You will notice that the two materials that have helped us in our research are Engineering Sciences and English as above each of each article like this if you can see a French translation in English in order to relax our public.

    Under this line you'll can see some links which will get you to differents parts of our site.



    First, clicking HERE you'll been get to an introduction about the history and goal of home automation. 

    If home automation history doesn't attracted yourelf you can go to a more principale home automation defintion clicking HERE.

     Then, you'll be get to ambient intelligence ckicking HERE.

     By clincking HERE you'll can see our wotk about the project of a home that reply in some parts to our problematic.

  1.  Site du lycée JBV

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